Monday, May 23, 2011

Rock On The Range Day #1

J's FAVORITE day of the year is HERE! The boy's got ready for the big day & I dropped them off to go ENJOY!

Me & J, before my Shoppin' and his Rockin'...

J, Doug & Nick...

I headed off to Easton for a lil' Shopping & Sunshine! Another beautiful, what a treat. Easton is so beautiful & there are so many different shops there I love, it could be dangerous if I lived closer. Thank goodness I do not, so when I do go it is quite a treat! After shopping I met my friend Erin to go to lunch at CPK, my FAV! What a fun day...good food, great friends & awesome shopping...doesn't get much better than this!

Day #1 was a big hit for the Boys, but they also learned how "Old" they are getting. The past 4 years they would stay at the show the whole day...Noon-11pm. This year by they were all home and in bed by 9. Growing up is all part of life and to be honest I'm SO happy they are all growing up! : )

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