Monday, May 16, 2011

Indy Zoo & Downtown Day!

We never get a chance to enjoy downtown Indy so today we planned an Overnight Downtown. We started out the morning at the Zoo, it was a beautiful morning & perfect Zoo weather.  The Zoo was very pretty & we loved seeing all the animals. Just watching them eat, sleep, walk, is so very interesting to just watch them play & graze...






After we saw all the outdoor animals we went into the "Ocean" Area and watched all the Animals swim & do all their amazing Water Activities. The Polar Bear was my favorite. He was putting on a show on his own. He would swim up to the glass then put his face on the glass, then he would push off the wall backwards and then circle around. We wathed him do it over & over & over again... Amazing!

Sting Ray

Sea Lions

Beautiful Colorful Fish Tank

At the end of the Aquarium Area there was an area to "Pet the Shark". At first I thought "no way" but then as I watched the sharks go close to the edge and other people pet them. I thought..."why not". J was a lil' more cautious and said "no way will I touch actually them".

After the Zoo we went next door to the White River Gardens, and it was absolutely Beautiful. The colors of the flowers in bloom, were colors I had never seen before. It was so peacful & relaxing in the Gardens....

Back in this garden area is a BEAUTIFUL grass area for Weddings...It looked so Magical & Gorgeous!


What an AMAZING Day at the Zoo & Gardens! :)

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