Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Love

Happy Mother's Day to all the Amazing Moms. I was lucky enough to have spent Mother's Day with the most loving, caring, thoughtful,giving inspirational...and i could go on for days with words describing my mom. 

She always knows how to put a smile on your face no matter how old you are, with her encouraging word, pretty smile or limitless acts of kindness. When I asked her close friends to write a little note to her for her 50th birthday she had over 50 pages filled with letters, stories, pictures, etc...just letting her know how important and loved she is...not not only begins to describe the impact she has on those who have been blessed enough to have her in their life.

I don't know how I was lucky enough to have her as my mother, but I am thankful I am to not only have her as a wonderful Mother, but the most amazing Best Friend. I could talk to her all day long and we would never run out of topics to chat about and stories to tell.

The card I gave my mom this year said it so perfectly. "When asked as a young girl what I wanted to be when I grown up many said, Doctors, Teachers...but I said I want to be my mom & they had no idea how amazing of a life that would be". I looked up to you as a little girl and continue to look up to you more & more as the years go by. You are an inspiration...I Love You.

Holiday's are always so special in the Hyland House, thanks to Mom. So on Mother's Day it is our turn to make it a special day for mom. We started off the morning at Grace Chapel, and Pastor Jeff gave the perfect message today for mother's. After church we made mom brunch and then did one of mom's favorite things, played fmaily games. After the games we had a cookout on the porch. We ended the day with a walk up to Whippy Dip for the 1st trip of the season. What a perfect ending to a perfect day. So Blessed & Thankful for such an Amazing Family! :)
We missed Bri but he had exams, can't wait for him to come home next week & surprise Kev for his big Birthday! Cheers to an Amazing Family Day!

Mom & all her lil Mother's Day Goodies....

Dad gave Mom a very pretty heart Chamila charm that says "Mom"

The Kids gave mom a Lisa Leonard heart on strings necklace with all the kids names engraved: ..colleen.shannon.brian.kevin..

And just had to make mom some Cake Pops, after the Big Hit they were at Easter...

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