Monday, May 16, 2011

Kev is 17 Today!

"Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday to You Kev..."!!! How could he be 17 already?!? Amazing how fast the time flies! But wow he has grown up to be such an AMAZING young man. I’m sooo proud of him for choosing to go down the right path, when we all know that in high school it is soo easy to get pulled down the wrong path with the never ending peer pressure surrounding you. He has soo many fun years ahead of him, so much to learn & discover…but wow he has some of the BEST years ahead of him! Live it up and Have an amazing day Kev, you deserve it! Happy Birthday &  Love you bud!

Mom started a tradition with Kev when he was 4 year old, with his favorite Donuts with Chocolate Frosting & Strawberry's for his Birthday Breakfast every year...And what do you know...13 years later the Tradition is still going strong...

SURPRISE...What is it going to be?!


Sweet New Kicks...

Lookin' Good Birthday Boy! : )

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