Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend!

What an amazing relaxing 3 day weekeed, I could have not asked for a better weekend. I spent time with my family & friends, enjoyed the warm temp's poolside catching a few ray's, helped do a few chores around the house and just enjoyed RELAXING, a word I rearly got to use in my vocabulary these days.

Cleaned out my closet to donate clothes to the Yard Sale my parents are having this weekend to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphomia Society fund-raising my dad is doing for his nomination to be Man of the Year (which is my eyes he already succeed's any other man to get this reward!) Its amazing when you take the time to go thru all your clothes & shoes, how many you do not wear anymore.

After my hard work if was off to meet Holly at the new Cock & Bull that FINALLY opened in HP Square. It was packed, but we had tons of fun chatting & catching & Catching up. I can't rem the last time just the 2 of us had time to do that.

I headed up to Mason for the weekend to spend some time with my family. We planted some pretty spring flowers, they looked so beautiful...

Until the next morning we wondered while they were all wilted and we realized we used the grass Preen on them instead of the Flower Preen. Hopefully Mom can make up some special mixture to save all the pretty spring flowers we planted.!

My friend Erin came down to visit from Columbus to visit. We spent the evening cooking out, drinking vino & chatting it up while enjoying the beautiful summer weather from my parents porch.

The day had FINALLY come to go enjoy the first day poolside soaking up the ray's... The sunshine felt fabulous & it was well worth the wait.

Later that evening I had a salmon & asperagus cookout with my parents. I treasure the one-on-one time I have with them. Of course I love having all 6 of us together....but there always is something special when it is just me & them! :)

Round 2 of pool time...SCORE. Being at the pool reminded me how much I loved spending summer days at the pool enjoying the sunshine & good company!

After the pool day, we ventured downtown to The Taste of Cincinnati...Mom, Dad, Shan, Bren & Me. We listened to the music, tasted the local fare and last but NOT least did some people watching...and of course there were lots of interesting lookers.

Me & Dad

Mom & Dad

Perfect weekend to kick off the summer, only thing missing was J! :) Thanks for all the hospitality and fun times this weekend Dad & Mom...you are the BEST!! :)

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