Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Favorite Ingredients of Summer...

Breathtaking Beautiful Sunsets

Fun & Flirty Nail Polish Colors

Pool Time

Baseball Games


Whippy Dip

Flip Flop's & Tan Toes

Cookouts with Friends & Family

Late nights on the Porch

Downtown Music Nights on the Square


Playing Cornhole

Bikini’s, Boardshorts & Bronzed Bodies

Weekends at the Lake

The sun rising at 5:45am and not setting until 9:30pm

Memorial Day Weekend!

What an amazing relaxing 3 day weekeed, I could have not asked for a better weekend. I spent time with my family & friends, enjoyed the warm temp's poolside catching a few ray's, helped do a few chores around the house and just enjoyed RELAXING, a word I rearly got to use in my vocabulary these days.

Cleaned out my closet to donate clothes to the Yard Sale my parents are having this weekend to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphomia Society fund-raising my dad is doing for his nomination to be Man of the Year (which is my eyes he already succeed's any other man to get this reward!) Its amazing when you take the time to go thru all your clothes & shoes, how many you do not wear anymore.

After my hard work if was off to meet Holly at the new Cock & Bull that FINALLY opened in HP Square. It was packed, but we had tons of fun chatting & catching & Catching up. I can't rem the last time just the 2 of us had time to do that.

I headed up to Mason for the weekend to spend some time with my family. We planted some pretty spring flowers, they looked so beautiful...

Until the next morning we wondered while they were all wilted and we realized we used the grass Preen on them instead of the Flower Preen. Hopefully Mom can make up some special mixture to save all the pretty spring flowers we planted.!

My friend Erin came down to visit from Columbus to visit. We spent the evening cooking out, drinking vino & chatting it up while enjoying the beautiful summer weather from my parents porch.

The day had FINALLY come to go enjoy the first day poolside soaking up the ray's... The sunshine felt fabulous & it was well worth the wait.

Later that evening I had a salmon & asperagus cookout with my parents. I treasure the one-on-one time I have with them. Of course I love having all 6 of us together....but there always is something special when it is just me & them! :)

Round 2 of pool time...SCORE. Being at the pool reminded me how much I loved spending summer days at the pool enjoying the sunshine & good company!

After the pool day, we ventured downtown to The Taste of Cincinnati...Mom, Dad, Shan, Bren & Me. We listened to the music, tasted the local fare and last but NOT least did some people watching...and of course there were lots of interesting lookers.

Me & Dad

Mom & Dad

Perfect weekend to kick off the summer, only thing missing was J! :) Thanks for all the hospitality and fun times this weekend Dad & Mom...you are the BEST!! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Becker's Graduation!

Tonight I went with my mom (Gigi to Becker) to Becker's Preschool Graduation, how could he be heading to Kindergarden in the Fall? Amazing how fast time flies, but he has grown up to be such an adorable, funny, caring little boy. I miss all the lunch dates I used to have with him and my mom before I took my new job downtown last summer. So it is always such a treat now when I get to see that cute little smile...

He did such an awesome job tonight singing all the songs with his classmates & then walking across the stage to get his diploma...Precious!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kickball Game #3

Sooo not sure what the trick was during the 1st game when we pulled off the win... Was it the long Happy Hour before the game? Are our team shirts unlucky? OR did we happen to just get lucky the 1st game, when we had no idea what was going on to pull off a big WIN.

Tonight we lucked out and the weather was perfect tonight for the game. We ended up losing tonight 2-3...atleast we scored a few points tho. It seemed to be 3 up & 3 down 75% of the innings. Time to shake off another loss and go out there next week looking for a big WIN! After all, the games are just for fun, however my competitive side sometimes gets the best of me! :)

The gal's for a lil post-game celebration @ MTL's...

And the guys...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Spring Kicks!

For Christmas J gave me an awesome present: A mini Nike Shoe Box. Inside was a gift card to create my own Nike's on NikeiD. Over the past couple months I would get on the website and design a pair of shoes but never could quite make up my mind on the exact color combo. A few weeks ago I finally decided it was time to make up my mind and order them just in time for Spring run's outside. I'm so excited my new shoes finally arrived in the mail...

Thanks J! I love them...bright, fun & fabulous!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bonjour Paris...

Last night after Rock On The Range we headed striaght to the airport to drop J off to fly to Paris. I wish so much I was going with him this time, but hopefully when he goes in September I will be able to go. J will be there for 10 days working on his client: Disney.

I can't wait to hear stories of his European Adventures & see all the pictures! :) Good Luck J, you will do GREAT, this is the experience of a lifetime... I'll miss you like CRAZY!

Rock On The Range Day #2

Day #2 is here, & the sun was shining again this morning... how lucky are we! :)

I decided to go with the boys today. The music isn't at the top of my list, since I'm a country music junkie. But I'm always up for listening to live music & going to concerts that J loves...relationships are all about "give & take" aka compromise right?!

So off we went on our walk over to Crew Stadium to my 2nd year & J's 5th yearof ROTR. I love seeing the look on J's face and how excited he is to listen to some of his favorite bands, makes me smile just knowing how happy he is!

Me & J

Me & the Monkey!

Me, Dani, Steph, Ashley

The Boys

Me & J

Stage #2

Stage #3

Rock On The Range Day #1

J's FAVORITE day of the year is HERE! The boy's got ready for the big day & I dropped them off to go ENJOY!

Me & J, before my Shoppin' and his Rockin'...

J, Doug & Nick...

I headed off to Easton for a lil' Shopping & Sunshine! Another beautiful, what a treat. Easton is so beautiful & there are so many different shops there I love, it could be dangerous if I lived closer. Thank goodness I do not, so when I do go it is quite a treat! After shopping I met my friend Erin to go to lunch at CPK, my FAV! What a fun day...good food, great friends & awesome shopping...doesn't get much better than this!

Day #1 was a big hit for the Boys, but they also learned how "Old" they are getting. The past 4 years they would stay at the show the whole day...Noon-11pm. This year by they were all home and in bed by 9. Growing up is all part of life and to be honest I'm SO happy they are all growing up! : )

Columbus Roadtrip...Cantina ROTR Kick-Off!

J's FAV weekend of the whole year was this past weekend, Rock On The Range up in Columbus. So we made a roadtrip up north for the weekend. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a roadtrip!

J's buddies Doug & Nick met us up there and we kicked off the weekend with the tradition of going to the Arena District the night before the big concert. We went to Cantina, an open-air Mexican spot for din, beers and to enjoy the perfect weather...

Boys & Beer...

J, Me & Doug

Me & J

 Dani & Me

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kickball Game #2

Sooo Game #2 wasn't as successful as Game 1. It was rainy & slippery...Let's just blame it on that....

We lost 2-5....So time to get back out there and win next week.

This week we learned that in the 4th Inning when you have the Big Ball. All the runs count as 2 points...so time to score some runs in the 4th inning.

We got our shirts this week tho, and we actually looked like a team...So Cute! :)

HH @ MLT's....

We had a surprise visitor...Dani!

The Girlies...

Our Team Clip Board..Thanks to Alex.

1st Team Pic!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

I was just thinking last week, I can't beleive I have not been to one Red's game this year. My wish came true and I went to Great American Ball Park the last 3 days. With all the crazy weather this Spring it felt more like we were going to a Football Game in the Fall, not a Basball Game in the Middle of May. But we all bundled up and had lots of fun...We didn't let the crazy weather can't ruin a fun time at the ballpark!

Game 1- Sunday: Red's vs Cardinals with my family!

Game 2- Monday: Red's vs Cubbies with J!

Game 3- Tuesday: Red's vs Cubbies with J!