Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday Funday @ the Pool!

When I worked for ReachUSA I used to meet my mom & Becker for lunch atleast 3 times a week. Since I started working at Kroger I no longer can meet them for lunch since I work downtown. I miss our lunch dates so much and always love seeing Becker whenever I get the opportunity too. So this past Friday I got off work early and headed up to Mason for an afternoon Pool Date with Becker & my Mom. They forgot Becker's Swimsuit and our time was limited so we had to find him an alternative outfit...

So he tried on my bikini....Too big. LOL

Then we found him some girls Nike running shorts we were able to convince him were the "Red's" colors! And off we went to the pool!

Along with the swim shorts, he needed a swim shirt. This Bears Jersey was "Kev's swim shirt" when he was younger. Wink Wink!

Becker & GiGi

Fun Times @ the Pool!

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