Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fathers Day with the World's #1 Dad!

Happy Father's Day to the most AMAZING, hard-working, loyal, loving, dedicated, unselfish Man I know. Dad always knows how to make me laugh, smile and always give the BEST compliments! No matter what I look like each day, he is always there to tell me how beautiful I am. From the day's he coached my soccer teams, to Magic Carpet Rides, to the days of Indian Princesses, to the 10k's to have run together, to my FAVORITE day of the week Tuesday Lunches... Dad has always been there to push me to be the best person I can possibly be.

Dad is always helping other in the community, whether it is his time or money Dad always knows how to lend a helping hand no matter what the circumstances. I am so PROUD to call him my Dad. I am so THANKFUL God loved me enough to give me him as my Father here on earth. He sets the PERFECT example on how to live a life of success, by keeping God #1 and always giving of himself in any way he possibly can. If there were more guys like Dad this world would be a better place. Thanks for being my HERO Dad! Love you!!

Cutest Couple... Dad & Mom!

Silly Time with Dad & the Kids...

Sweet New Shades...

 iPod for Dad's Running & Biking Workouts!

Car Vacuum, Hint Hint, Clean Car Alert!!

Sporting his Nice New Bling...

 My Favorite Present for Dad, Personalized Poems from the Kids!

Dad's Special Poems!

Last Present I ordered up for Dad ...A Pretty Sunset after the Rainy Day!

So Thankful for a Special Family Day celebrating the most amazing Dad. Happy Father's Day to you & to all the wonderful guys who are or will one day be daddy's! :)

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