Tuesday, March 13, 2012

J's Birthday Weekend in Indy!

This past weekend we celebrated J's Birthday in Indy. His parents came in town for the weekend and we ate our way thru the weekend. Never can complain about that! :)

Friday night we went out to dinner to start the birthday weekend at Coopers Hawk, which is a wine bar right down the street from J's condo. They have their own winery so they serve their very own wine, which was simply delicous! The rest of the weekend was filled with wining & dining, lots of laughs and good company!

Sweet Wine Decanter

Interesting car Ride to dinner Sat night... Hold on tight!

Girls at Dinner...

Birthday Boy & Me!

Dani & Andy...

Happy Birthday J!

Ray, J & Linda...

Happy Sunday...Mimosa's! Cheers Bday Boy! :)

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