Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy Valentines Day Lovers! Xo!

Happy Valentine's Day! This year will be our 1st Valentine's Day ENGAGED!!! :) and 3rd Valentine's Day with J...which in ways seems amazing how could it be 3 years already!? And in other ways I feel like I have known him my whole life, because I can't imagine a day of my  life without him. Since the day J  winked and we started talking, we have not stopped talking. Whether it is though text, email or of course the old fashion way of actually calling each other...the conversation has been non-stop. One would think we would run out of things to say but nope, not at all... jsut more to talk about as the time goes on. Or we are at that comfortable level where we can drive in the car and just hold hands and not talk ( for a minute or two) and just smile at each other because the actions are doing all the talking! This Valentine's day we chose to have a low-key night together. I came home to beautiful roses on my table with a card. In return I had a card and "52 reason I love You" little craft I made J. We went to Asiana, our new favorite local Thai restaurant...which jsut happens to be be BYOB...so we picked up a bottle of wine and enjoyed the night alone just the two of us chatting the night away. What a special night! :) Looking forward to many special valentine's low-key nigths in the future!

Gorgeous Roses!

52 Reasons I Love You book...

Sweet dessert you got us to share!

Happy Valentines Day.... Looking forward to next Valentine's Day already! Xo!

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