Tuesday, March 6, 2012


On Sunday we celebrated my Mom's Birthday! The best part of the day was that Bri & Lizanne surprised mom by coming home to celebrate her special day! :) This really made the day complete to have all of us together!

We started out the morning with church, Dad made a big family breakfast and then we hit the bowling alley. For some good laughs, strikes, spares and of course family fun!

The Birthday Girl! :)

Mom's Big Bday Surprise! :)

 Kev & Mom

 Shan, Mom & Me

 Me & Mom

The Fam!

 Dad, Mom & Bri

Shan & Bren

Me & J

 Time to Hit the Lanes!

After bowling we headed home to make homemade personal pizzas. We started this tradition last year on mom's birthday to get tons of different topping and make our own pizzas, so I figured since it was such a hit why not do it again this year!

Pizza Time!

Cute Couple...

 Birthday Girl Decorates her Za...

 Melissa & Kev

After dinner we of course finished the big day with Bruster's Ice Cream Cake and presents in the family room with a big fire in the fireplace. I hope mom had as much fun on her Birthday as I know we all did!! :)

Present Time!

Make a Wish....

Happy Birthday Mom & many More!! :)

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