Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Manchester Time

On Sunday we headed up North to Manchester. The 1st Challenge was for J to learn the UK driving system...Driver sits ont he right side of the car and you drive on the left side of the road (opposite to the driving in the US). This was TOUGH but by the time we arrived after our 3 1/2 hour, and sitting in many "que's" aka "lines" J felt more comfortable in his new driving position.

When we arrived in Manchester we pulled up to our hotel, it was towering over the town of Manchester...

We checked in and then we were off to watch the Manchester United v Chelsea Soccer match at a local pub the White Lion.This was a perfect spot to watch the game and become one of the locals for the night!

The next day we went to see the Manchester United Stadium, which was super neat to see a real futbul stadium!

Cheers to Fun Times in Manchester!

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