Monday, August 22, 2011

Nifty Fifty-Four = Tubing Time!

HAPPY 54th BIRTHDAY TO my AMAZING dad!! This past weekend we celebrated Dad's Birthday by going tubing down a local river. We loaded up in a bus and they dropped us off 3 miles up he river and we floated our way down the river. It hasn't rained much so the river did not move too quickly, but it was very relaxing and It was a gorgeous day. Such a perfect way to spend time together to celebrate Dad's Big Day! :)

Mom & Dad on the bus to the River

The Tubing Crew!

Birthday Boy ready to hit the River!

Birthday Boy enjoying the day...

Snack Time...

Floating to the finish line

Birthday Boy & his ice cream cake!

It's Present time...

Dad's fav gum...

Bubble Blowing Contest!

No better way to Celebrate a Birthday than with our Awesome Family! Happy Birthday to the BEST Dad in the Whole Wide World! You Rock!! :)

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