Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Katie's Fairy Tale Wedding

This weekend my Best Friend from when I was 5 until 10, Katie Eisenhuth got married. My whole family (minus Bri) plus Jon & Bren headed to Chicago to Celebrate her Special Day!

She got married at this cute tiny Cape Cod feeling church. She looked so beautiful and it was just surreal to see her dad (Guy) walk her down the aisle and give away his little girl to her new hubby Jon.

After the ceremony the reception was at Medinah Country Club. When we were younger we used to go to the pool at Medinah with Kaie all the time, but I did not remember how beautiful it was there. The actual ballroom where they had the reception was like a Fairy Tale. The room was so gorgeous and the decorations just pulled it all together, talk about the most amazing reception I had ever seen.

Me, Katie, Shan

Our Cinci Traveling Crew!

J & Me
J, Me, Kev, Shan, Bren

Me, Mom, Shan

Kev & Me

Cutie Couple!

Loved the Name Cards!

Beautiful Ballroom at Medinah

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