Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mothers Day & Kev's Birthday!

May 13th just happened to be quite a special day in the Hyland Family. It was Mother's Day, so of course we celebrated our amazing mom. But it also happened to be Kev's 18th Birthday. How could Kev be 18 already!?!?

 Brian & Lizanne came home from Nashville to celebrate for the weekend. It is always so much fun up at my parents house when all the kids are home. Everyone has a b/f or g/f so it's a blast to have all 10 of us together! Par-Tayy Time!

                                                    Sillly Pic's with Mom!

                                                    Family Pic!

Mom & Dad

                                                    Mom & Kev

                                                    Mom & Me

                                 Birthday Boy with his 1st Lottery Tickets

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