Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mothers Day & Kev's Birthday!

May 13th just happened to be quite a special day in the Hyland Family. It was Mother's Day, so of course we celebrated our amazing mom. But it also happened to be Kev's 18th Birthday. How could Kev be 18 already!?!?

 Brian & Lizanne came home from Nashville to celebrate for the weekend. It is always so much fun up at my parents house when all the kids are home. Everyone has a b/f or g/f so it's a blast to have all 10 of us together! Par-Tayy Time!

                                                    Sillly Pic's with Mom!

                                                    Family Pic!

Mom & Dad

                                                    Mom & Kev

                                                    Mom & Me

                                 Birthday Boy with his 1st Lottery Tickets

J is Moving to Cinci!

A few weeks ago we packed up J's condo and off we went to Cinci. It was so bittersweet packing up the condo and moving on to start the next chapter of our lives together. We had so many fun times in Indy, but I'm beyond thankful and so blessed that Jon decided to move to Cincinnati to be with me!
 Loading up the Big Truck...Thanks to Dad's packing skills!

                                         All packed & ready to roll....

                                         Good bye Indy,

                                         Lots of fun memories here!

                                                               Clean-up Crew!

New apartment

                                                    View from the New Apartment....

Welcome to Cinci J, so very excited to start our lives together here! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Easter Eggs & Jelly Beans

Happy Easter! This year we had a fun-filled family day for Easter. We started out the morning with a big brunch at my parents. Then headed off to Church. After Church we went back to my parents house for a relaxing family day to Celebrate! We painted easter eggs, went on an egg hunt, opened easter baskets, ate tons of yummy food and enjoyed all the quality time together!

Kev, Shan, Dad & Me
                                                   Kev, Shan, Dad, Mom & Me

J & Me 

                                                    Dad & Mom

                                                   Kev's & His Basket...