Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Official C&W Night!

Over the holidays I searched for ideas to make for Christmas presents. In the process of spending hours scrolling Pinterest I found a folder full of fun craft ideas I wanted to make. However after the hours of making Christmas crafts I realized I love the final product...however, spending the hours alone makign them i don't love quite as much!

Sooooo I started thinking abotu having a craft night with my girlfriends, and why not throw some wine in there too! Soo I came up with Craft & Wine Night aka "C&W Night"!

I decided that the host of the party will supply the craft supplies and the other girls attending will bring a bottle of wine or a snack to share.

The 1st C&W Party was a hit!! A group of my girlfriends showed up with bottle of wine and goodies. I got all the supplies to make: Personalized Wine Glasses (a necessity for C& W Night, right?) and then a cute Candle Holder with a red candle inside (for Valentine's Day, of course!)

Craft Supplies are Ready...

Final Products:

Me & my Candle!

Craft Time! 

Looking forward to the next C&W Night Renee is hosting! Yay to fun crafts & girl chat time!

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