Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Eggs Baskets, Goodies & Ribbon...

Easter was super late this year...but it was FINALLY here! I wanted to surprise everyone with a cute little  Easter basket with a few little goodies. Brian was staying down in nashville this year for Easter. So Easter would be Dad, Mom, Shan, Bren, Kev & J.  I ran to Michael's to get the baskets but the bright colorful sand bucket's caught my eye when I walked in...Perfect!

I wanted to make the basket's have a theme. So my theme was hoppin' into spring, so I wanted the basket to have a few small goodies to do wtht your feet. So i found socks, flip flips & of course candy is an essential to an Easter basket. Then I found a cute little poem online and then added a few lines of my own...to tie it all together:
That cute little bunny has hopped all day,
delivering baskets for the special holiday.
His paws are so tired and his nose how it itches,
He left you something special to fulfill all your spring wishes.
To help freshen up those feet of yours after a long winter stompin'
You can rock your new flops & socks to get your spring hoppin'!
Lots of cute little Easter bunny hugs and kisses

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