Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Egg Dye & Cake Pops...

This weekend J & I headed to Indy Friday night to celebrate Easter with his parents. Linda made reservations for lunch at Maggiano's for a lil' Family Style Feast...

...Of Course we ate WAY too much. But it was totally worth it! YUM!

After a yummy Easter Lunch, J had an appointment to get Lasik done on his eyes this afternoon, since he has had such a crazy travel schedule this was the only day he was able to squeeze in. Once he met with the doctor he found out he was not a Lasik canidate. The other option was PRK...so J decided to go with it. He had a lot of discomfort that night & on Easter...but he looked cool rockin' his shades!

On Sunday we headed back to Cinci for Easter with my family. We started the day off with church at Grace Chapel & then headed home to dye Easter Eggs...you are never too old to dye eggs, of course!

My favorite new treat this year was Cake Pops...I found the cutest pictures of Easter Cake Pops online and they were adorable. My mission to try to make them. They didn't turn out terrible looking and they were SO tasty. I can't wait to continue to make them and get better at the whole "look" of them.

J was such a trooper today, after his PRK his eyes were very sensitive & sore...but he still of course looked adorable and I'm so happy he was able to come spend Easter with us! :)

Holiday's are always so much fun at my parents house, they make all the holidays so Special & Magical. I always look so forward to spending every holiday at their house with them! Amazing Easter with those I love dearly...minus Bri (...so we totally missed having him with us!)

Eggs Baskets, Goodies & Ribbon...

Easter was super late this year...but it was FINALLY here! I wanted to surprise everyone with a cute little  Easter basket with a few little goodies. Brian was staying down in nashville this year for Easter. So Easter would be Dad, Mom, Shan, Bren, Kev & J.  I ran to Michael's to get the baskets but the bright colorful sand bucket's caught my eye when I walked in...Perfect!

I wanted to make the basket's have a theme. So my theme was hoppin' into spring, so I wanted the basket to have a few small goodies to do wtht your feet. So i found socks, flip flips & of course candy is an essential to an Easter basket. Then I found a cute little poem online and then added a few lines of my own...to tie it all together:
That cute little bunny has hopped all day,
delivering baskets for the special holiday.
His paws are so tired and his nose how it itches,
He left you something special to fulfill all your spring wishes.
To help freshen up those feet of yours after a long winter stompin'
You can rock your new flops & socks to get your spring hoppin'!
Lots of cute little Easter bunny hugs and kisses

First shot...

For the past year i have followed a few blogs and always wanted to start my own, so today is finally the day to kick off MY blog. Growing up I was fortunate enough to have the most amazing parents who raised me in such a loving home, brought us on so many amazing trips and  blessed me with 3 amazing siblings...Shannon, Brian & Kevin. We have millions of awesome picture to look back at the unforgetable memories. However, going forward this blog will be the best way to document all of my future adventures... :) Xo.