Monday, August 29, 2011

Marathon Man turns to Triathlon Man!

This weekend my Dad was competing in the Chicago Triathlon for the 3rd consecutive year! Last year J & I surprised him and went to Chicago to cheer him on. So this year there was no way we would miss being there to cheer him on! :) Dad LOVED the surprise!

My dad is such an amazing dedicated athlete. He inspires me to want to train and  hopefully compete with him in a triathlon one day!!

Mom & Dad soaking up the Gorg day down on the river before we surprised dad!

Dad swimming so strong through the rough waters, you rock!

Dad (on the right) getting out of the Lake after his AWESOME swim!

Dad starting Leg # 3 of the Race...Run Dad Run!!

Dad running to the Finish Line...Woooo Hoooo!!!

 Mom & Dad at the Finish Line!

Mom, Dad & Me After the race!

J & Me with the Awesome Triathlon Man!

Dad did such an AMAZING job this year. He beat his time last year, and felt stronger than ever. Talk about an outstanding ATHLETE! You ROCK Dad!! :) SO Happy we were here to Cheer you on & be part of your big Race Day!!

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