Monday, August 29, 2011

Marathon Man turns to Triathlon Man!

This weekend my Dad was competing in the Chicago Triathlon for the 3rd consecutive year! Last year J & I surprised him and went to Chicago to cheer him on. So this year there was no way we would miss being there to cheer him on! :) Dad LOVED the surprise!

My dad is such an amazing dedicated athlete. He inspires me to want to train and  hopefully compete with him in a triathlon one day!!

Mom & Dad soaking up the Gorg day down on the river before we surprised dad!

Dad swimming so strong through the rough waters, you rock!

Dad (on the right) getting out of the Lake after his AWESOME swim!

Dad starting Leg # 3 of the Race...Run Dad Run!!

Dad running to the Finish Line...Woooo Hoooo!!!

 Mom & Dad at the Finish Line!

Mom, Dad & Me After the race!

J & Me with the Awesome Triathlon Man!

Dad did such an AMAZING job this year. He beat his time last year, and felt stronger than ever. Talk about an outstanding ATHLETE! You ROCK Dad!! :) SO Happy we were here to Cheer you on & be part of your big Race Day!!

Concert Time ....Jason Aldean & Kid Rock!

Last weekend, we spent soaking up the pretty summer nights at two awesome concerts. Friday night we were in Cincinnati, so we went to see Jason Aldean at Riverbend. We had a fun group, put on our cowboy boots & hat and off we went to dance the night away to a lil Dirt Road Anthem...

The Crew before the show...

Of course we wore our boots!

Girlies before the show!

J & Me!

At the concert...

Linds & Kev enjoying a lil' Aldean!

Friday Night was a Blast!!! Saturday we headed to Indy to meet some of J's friends to go to the Kid Rock Concert. I didn't think I would know many of the songs, but i was plesantly surprised that I knew almost all of them!! J's buddy Mike got us awesome VIP passes, soo we had quite the hook-up with awesome parking, special entrance, free drinks & got to hangout in the Green Room behind the stage. SWEETNESS!!

Me & my man!

The Crew in the Green Room...

Tailgate Time!


Me & Heather.

Concert Time...

What an AWESOME concert weekend. No better way to spend a summer weekend than outside soaking up the GORG nights with live music and great friends! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Nifty Fifty-Four = Tubing Time!

HAPPY 54th BIRTHDAY TO my AMAZING dad!! This past weekend we celebrated Dad's Birthday by going tubing down a local river. We loaded up in a bus and they dropped us off 3 miles up he river and we floated our way down the river. It hasn't rained much so the river did not move too quickly, but it was very relaxing and It was a gorgeous day. Such a perfect way to spend time together to celebrate Dad's Big Day! :)

Mom & Dad on the bus to the River

The Tubing Crew!

Birthday Boy ready to hit the River!

Birthday Boy enjoying the day...

Snack Time...

Floating to the finish line

Birthday Boy & his ice cream cake!

It's Present time...

Dad's fav gum...

Bubble Blowing Contest!

No better way to Celebrate a Birthday than with our Awesome Family! Happy Birthday to the BEST Dad in the Whole Wide World! You Rock!! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Katie's Fairy Tale Wedding

This weekend my Best Friend from when I was 5 until 10, Katie Eisenhuth got married. My whole family (minus Bri) plus Jon & Bren headed to Chicago to Celebrate her Special Day!

She got married at this cute tiny Cape Cod feeling church. She looked so beautiful and it was just surreal to see her dad (Guy) walk her down the aisle and give away his little girl to her new hubby Jon.

After the ceremony the reception was at Medinah Country Club. When we were younger we used to go to the pool at Medinah with Kaie all the time, but I did not remember how beautiful it was there. The actual ballroom where they had the reception was like a Fairy Tale. The room was so gorgeous and the decorations just pulled it all together, talk about the most amazing reception I had ever seen.

Me, Katie, Shan

Our Cinci Traveling Crew!

J & Me
J, Me, Kev, Shan, Bren

Me, Mom, Shan

Kev & Me

Cutie Couple!

Loved the Name Cards!

Beautiful Ballroom at Medinah

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun Summer Nights in Mason!

On Tuesday night I went up to visit my parents and we invited Becker to come over to play and have dinner. So my dad, Mom, Becker and I played outside, grilled out and then made a stop at Whippy Dip. It was so much fun to have him over for a special night at our house and gie his parents a little break since they have their hands full with baby Hudson. I love fun summer nights like this, it reminds me of being a kid again! :)

Look at Hollywood...

Yum Yummm!

Whippy Dip Time!

When we dropped Becker we got to see this cutie lil' guy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brickyard Baby!

This weekend Jon's best friend Josh flew in from Houston to go to the Brickyard 400. Ashley and I headed to Indy after work and met the boys along with Jon's cousin and his buddy. Talk about a "Hill Billy Deluxe" Weekend. Lots of fun times and good laughs, along with the Dirt Road Anthem as our Weekend Anthem...Brantley Gilbert. Boogity Boogity Boogity...

Newly made Race gear.

J & Me

Josh & Ash

The Whole Race Crew...

Ash & Me

Ash, Josh, J & Me at the Concerts

Its Race Time!