Monday, June 6, 2011

Leukemia Lymphoma Society Yard Sale

This weekend my Parents had a Yard Sale to raise money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, Man of the Year Event. The sale was on Friday & Saturday up at their house. I had to work on Friday so I wasn't able to help until Saturday. When I pulled up Saturday I was amazed at the amount of donations that had been made to sell. There were lots of Treasures to be found... And lots of money raised for such a Teriffic Cause! Nice work Mom & Dad, you did such an AWESOME job...Way to go Mr Man & Wife of the Year!

After the Sale stopped by the pool for a quick dip to cool off & soak up some Sunshine & of course we had to stop by Whippy Dip for our FAVORITE summer treat...a twist cone! Yum Yum!

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