Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Terrific Tuesday: Lunch Dates with My Dad!

Tuesday's used to always be the day of the week I dreaded. Tuesday's at work were boring, there was never much going on on Tuesday's after work, so there was never much to look forward to on Tuesday's until about a month ago.

My Dad recently moved his office to be downtown & is now located directly across the street from my office. For the first few months we would always try to make lunch plans, but our schedules would quickly fill up until about a month ago.  We set a "Weekly Tuesday Lunch Date", so now Tuesday's Lunch Hour has become my Favorite time of the week.  I look so forward to our Tuesday Lunch Dates and having that special hour each week to spend with my Dad.

He is such a wonderful, loving, caring, successful, unselfish, helpful, influencial (and i could go on all day ...) man. I have always loved him & looked up to him since I was a young girl, but as I get older I realize more & more each day I lucky I am to have such an Amazing Dad. The hour we spend at lunch always goes way too quickly...no matter what the lunch conversation topic, it always leaves me looking forward to the next Tuesday Lunch Date!

Love you Dad! :)

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