Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy 2-9 to Youuuuuuuuuu J!

"Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuu....." And the Birthday celebration continues on! Today is J's real Birthday, so you know what that means....Time to CELEBRATE!! We had a fun night, just the two of us celebrating the past 29 years of his life and the next 29+ years we get to spend together. I love you more today than ever, so lucky to be your fiance! Love you Birthday Boy! :)

No Birthday is complete with out Bday Balloons...

Birthday Presents...

...Birthday Smiles :)

 ...and last but not least.....Birthday Kisses! Xo.

J's Birthday Weekend in Indy!

This past weekend we celebrated J's Birthday in Indy. His parents came in town for the weekend and we ate our way thru the weekend. Never can complain about that! :)

Friday night we went out to dinner to start the birthday weekend at Coopers Hawk, which is a wine bar right down the street from J's condo. They have their own winery so they serve their very own wine, which was simply delicous! The rest of the weekend was filled with wining & dining, lots of laughs and good company!

Sweet Wine Decanter

Interesting car Ride to dinner Sat night... Hold on tight!

Girls at Dinner...

Birthday Boy & Me!

Dani & Andy...

Happy Birthday J!

Ray, J & Linda...

Happy Sunday...Mimosa's! Cheers Bday Boy! :)

Save the Dates are HERE!

This week the Save the Dates finally arrived in the mail. I can't wait to send them out this week for everyone to put on their fridge and Save the Date for our BIG DAY!! Xo!

Counting down the days until our big day!! 200 days... Xoxo!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Will You Be My...Ring Bearer & Flower Girl?!?!

I was finally able to pop the first question and asked the ring bearer and one of the flower girls to be in our wedding. The look on their faces was PRICELESS!! I can't wait for Braden & Riley to be a part of our big day! :)

Boxes are ready!

Time to Open...

What is it going to be...

And they said...Y-E-S!!

Yay!! :)

Craft Wedding Project!

I found this adorable idea on Pinterest to ask my Bridesmaids, Flowergirl & Ring Bearer to be in our wedding. The pictures below say it all. "Now that I had the guestion popped. It is my turn to pop the question to you: Will you be my....?"
Phase 1 of the Project!

Supplies Ready...

Boxes are almost ready!



Ring Bearer...

And they are Ready!

Now I hope they all say "Yes" just like I did! :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Becker & Huddy Visit!

Becker & Huddy's parents had to go to a dinner tonight so we got to keep the cuties for the night! We had so much fun with them. Becker brought over tons of stuffed animals to join the party. And Hud loved anyone who held him, and some of the new toys at Gigi & Mark's house!

Beck & all his buddies!

Huddy Play Time!

Happy Huddy!

Fun times with these cuties!!:)

Happy Valentines Day Lovers! Xo!

Happy Valentine's Day! This year will be our 1st Valentine's Day ENGAGED!!! :) and 3rd Valentine's Day with J...which in ways seems amazing how could it be 3 years already!? And in other ways I feel like I have known him my whole life, because I can't imagine a day of my  life without him. Since the day J  winked and we started talking, we have not stopped talking. Whether it is though text, email or of course the old fashion way of actually calling each other...the conversation has been non-stop. One would think we would run out of things to say but nope, not at all... jsut more to talk about as the time goes on. Or we are at that comfortable level where we can drive in the car and just hold hands and not talk ( for a minute or two) and just smile at each other because the actions are doing all the talking! This Valentine's day we chose to have a low-key night together. I came home to beautiful roses on my table with a card. In return I had a card and "52 reason I love You" little craft I made J. We went to Asiana, our new favorite local Thai restaurant...which jsut happens to be be BYOB...so we picked up a bottle of wine and enjoyed the night alone just the two of us chatting the night away. What a special night! :) Looking forward to many special valentine's low-key nigths in the future!

Gorgeous Roses!

52 Reasons I Love You book...

Sweet dessert you got us to share!

Happy Valentines Day.... Looking forward to next Valentine's Day already! Xo!


On Sunday we celebrated my Mom's Birthday! The best part of the day was that Bri & Lizanne surprised mom by coming home to celebrate her special day! :) This really made the day complete to have all of us together!

We started out the morning with church, Dad made a big family breakfast and then we hit the bowling alley. For some good laughs, strikes, spares and of course family fun!

The Birthday Girl! :)

Mom's Big Bday Surprise! :)

 Kev & Mom

 Shan, Mom & Me

 Me & Mom

The Fam!

 Dad, Mom & Bri

Shan & Bren

Me & J

 Time to Hit the Lanes!

After bowling we headed home to make homemade personal pizzas. We started this tradition last year on mom's birthday to get tons of different topping and make our own pizzas, so I figured since it was such a hit why not do it again this year!

Pizza Time!

Cute Couple...

 Birthday Girl Decorates her Za...

 Melissa & Kev

After dinner we of course finished the big day with Bruster's Ice Cream Cake and presents in the family room with a big fire in the fireplace. I hope mom had as much fun on her Birthday as I know we all did!! :)

Present Time!

Make a Wish....

Happy Birthday Mom & many More!! :)