Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Mason...Tis' The Season!

Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday Baby Jesus! This morning we drove from South Bend to Mason to spend Christmas Day with my Family. We were lucky Santa made a stop in Mason for us this morning as well... I love all the fun Holiday Traditions my parents have made over the years I always look so forward to each Christmas!

< Pictures to Come>

Christmas Eve in South Bend!

This year is our 1st year as an Engaged Couple, how exciting! So we decided to spend Christmas together... which meant we would be splitting the time between both of our families, which was hard but it was such a treat to be together!

We celebrated Christmas Eve in South Bend. Santa even came to the Sharpe Household one night early...

Tonight we went out to Dinner to Celebrate with Ray, Linda, Aunt Judy & Uncle Rick. Super Fun Night at Millenium Stakehouse and then Dessert/Story Time at Judy & Rick's!

J & Me

Linda, Me & Aunt Judy

Linda, Ray & J

Fun Times in South Bend with J's Family to Spread Christmas Cheer!

Christmas Time with Becker & Hudson!

Today Becker & Hudson came over to my parents house to have our own special Christmas Celebration with the boys. We had a fun-filled night getting in the Christmas Spirit!

Becker & Huddy

Big Hugs for Gigi after each present...

PEACE... Dad & Becker!

Kev & Melissa joined in the fun!

Kev & Huddy

Huddy & Me

Gigi & her Boys...

Me & the Lil' Cuties

What a special night, it's amazing how magical Christmas is thru the eyes of a child! :)

Bri Graduates from Belmont...Congrats!!

This weekend we took a Roadtrip down to Nashville to Visit Bri & Celebration his Awesome Accomplishment of Graduating from Belmont!! What an amazing accomplishment, we are so very proud of you Bri!

< Pictures to Come>

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

CVG to LAX....Yes Please!

This past weekend J surprised me with a flight to join him in LA for the weekend. I was psyched!! We left on Friday after work...CVG to LAX!! This is the absolutley beautiful sunset we saw as we were landing in LA... UNREAL!

Gorgeous Sunrise we woke up to on Saturday Morning perfect start to the day!

Watching the surfers off the HB Pier...

J & Me on our Belcony

Pretty Hilton Christmas Tree

 Beautiful Hotel Decorations

Couldn't get enough of the pretty tree!

 Me & Baby Nila...Precious

Soo Sweet!

Me & Mr Koa on the move, what a cutie!

 Rodeo Drive here we come!

Cheers to another amazing LA trip filled with fun times, exploring new areas & yummy restaurants and most of all another special weekend of "just us"! :) Thanks for such an awesome weekend J!