Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cincinnati Beerfest 2012

Beerfest comes to town around the middle of February each year. SO we had a group of 16 mostly "college friends" we headed to dinner downtown and then to partake in the Beerfest festivites!

The Crew!

 The gals...

Red Carpet photo-op!

Fun times with Fabulous Friends! :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

SUPERBOWL XLVI in Indianapolis

This year the Superbowl came to Indy! So of course we had to par-take in all the Superbowl Festivities!!! Friday night my parents, brother Kev & his girlfriend Melissa came in town for the night. We went downtown to check out Superbowl Village. It was awesome but TOTALLY packed with people!!

J & Me

 Dad & Mom

Melissa & Kev

Dad, Mom, Kev & Me

J & Me before the Hennessy Superbowl Party!

Cailtin, Grenier, J & Me at the Party...

Party Time with DJ Rev Run!

Superbowl Village on Game Day!

Fun Times for Superbowl XLVI in Indy! Xo!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Destin Bound...Wedding Planning & Sunshine!

The Weekend was FINALLY here to visit Destin, and time for all our Wedding plans to become REAL!! :)

We took a flight Friday night at 7pm and were coming back on a 7am flight on we had 36-hours to see what all we could discover in Destin. The trip was a HUGE success!!! :)

We had meetings all day Saturday, but still found time for a walk on the beach, to drink a cocktail on the beach and of course to enjoy our gorgeous view from the hotel room balcony!

We met with:
- Lauren: the planner/resort coordinator
- Tori: Caterer
- Jeffery Patrick: Photographer

And then we finished the meetings with a sunset photoshoot on the beach. We had soo much fun during the photoshoot, CAN'T wait to see the proofs!

Before we knew it we were leavign the hotel at 5am to head to the airport. Goodbye Destin...looking SO VERY forward to being back in September (if not before then) for our BIG DAY!!!!! :)

Gorgeous Sunrise to Start the Day! :)

Beautiful Morning View off our Belcony

Beach Drinks!

The trip would not be complete with out some Brusters!

J & Me Toes in the Sand...

 After a crazy busy day we found the best Din spot: Cuvee Bistro, YUM!

Me and the Fishies!

J & the Fish...

AMAZING 36-Hour Destin Trip! Counting down the days until we are back again, hopefully for much longer next time! :)

Ashley's Going Away Party!

My good friend Ashley took a new job in Chicago, so she is packing up and heading to the Windy City! We will miss you tons Ash, but are looking VERY forward to coming to visit you!! :) We went to wish Ash off at her going away party...

Cheers Boys...

J, Ashley & Me

Renee & Me

Renee, Holls & Me

First Official C&W Night!

Over the holidays I searched for ideas to make for Christmas presents. In the process of spending hours scrolling Pinterest I found a folder full of fun craft ideas I wanted to make. However after the hours of making Christmas crafts I realized I love the final product...however, spending the hours alone makign them i don't love quite as much!

Sooooo I started thinking abotu having a craft night with my girlfriends, and why not throw some wine in there too! Soo I came up with Craft & Wine Night aka "C&W Night"!

I decided that the host of the party will supply the craft supplies and the other girls attending will bring a bottle of wine or a snack to share.

The 1st C&W Party was a hit!! A group of my girlfriends showed up with bottle of wine and goodies. I got all the supplies to make: Personalized Wine Glasses (a necessity for C& W Night, right?) and then a cute Candle Holder with a red candle inside (for Valentine's Day, of course!)

Craft Supplies are Ready...

Final Products:

Me & my Candle!

Craft Time! 

Looking forward to the next C&W Night Renee is hosting! Yay to fun crafts & girl chat time!

Last Christmas Celebration until Next December!

This week Bri cam home from Nashville to visit & celebrate Christmas. There is somehtign special about having the "Original 6" of us all home to celebrate together. So it was a blast tonight to have the whole family together to Celebrate!

One of my fav memories growing up...all the kids in age order sitting on the steps waiting to come downstairs to open presents! :)

 Runnign to see if Santa made it...

Bri & Me (thanks for my cute hat bro!)

We ended hte night enjoying the fireplace fire and some yummy treats mom made.

Now its time to start 2012!

NYE 2011...B Ripp Style!

This year we spent New Years Eve i Indianapolis with a big group of J's friends. We had a reservation for 16 and after dinner proceeded to go next door to get the party started!

The Gals...

J & Me
